Friday, October 3, 2008

Naptime jailbird blues

This naptime didn't go so well......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, Owen looks like he just got sentanced to two life terms in the slammer.

It was cool visiting.......Actually made me want to move out of Tahoe more....Leila and I are trying to figure out how to settle in for the winter without you guys as our winter night activity partners.

We are going to try to come out next spring to see you, leila, judah....must come before J's 2-yr bday to get free ticket. Plan on April-June some time depending on when MT goes from dry ice status to ice or better yet luke warm.

Nick, Russel told me about some toys he has in the fire station - two small remote control indoor can actually shoot each other down with lasers, the 2-helicopter set is $70...I'll email you a link.
