Thursday, March 13, 2008

~ In the beginning...

This is exciting. I'm launching my virtual reality, which is as real as I want it to be. In this blog Laura and I will carefully edit our photos and text to only show the best things going on in our lives, in hopes that you somehow become jealous of our perfect lives.

Or perhaps we'll try to be a little bit more real, maybe we will video tape one of us being sick or us arguing so you can feel good about your life.

Or maybe I have no idea what this blog will become...maybe we'll just have to see what unfolds. I can promise that we'll do our best to keep it up to date and to earnestly try to put our lives online so that we can still feel like those of you who care about us can feel connected with us and in turn us with you.

I hope to include pics of Owen, our dogs Cerah and Micah and of course pics of Laura and I. I would also like to include some of our thoughts. Maybe something like a diary only better because I can type faster than I can write. I also have this feeling that I will have thoughts that will warrent responses from whoever wanders across my pages.

So with no further ado...welcome to our blog and we'll see what the future holds.

1 comment:

Bryan Rosner said...

I suppose I should start a blog too now that our friendship is being ushered into matrix-esque cyberspace.

Whats with the speedy taxi?